Jujutsu Kaisen...

Jujutsu Kaisen manga finale ranks among the most hyped manga discussions, although fans and critics...

Palworld faces...

In light of recent news, Palword faces lawsuit from Nintendo due to allegations of copying...

Top Action...

Packing adrenal pumps and excitement, here comes the anime Fall 2024 to cheer up fans...

Most Underrated...

Woody Harrelson is widely known for his unforgettable performances in Zombieland, True Detective, and The...


Series Title

A compelling story about extraordinary events that changed everything... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta molestias debitis quod, pariatur iusto quo.


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Kushal Bhattacharyya

Dwaipayan Dutta

I'm a journalist with a passion for anime, video games, and pop culture. I usually dive deep into the latest...

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